Call for sprinklers in all of Haringey’s tall buildings & schools following Grenfell Tower tragedy

Last night, Haringey Lib Dem councillors, proposed additional fire safety measures, including sprinklers for tall buildings and schools in the borough. The opposition councillors put forward the proposals after discovering that some tall buildings in Haringey do not have sprinkler systems fitted.
The plans set out in a Lib Dem council motion, were discussed at a Full Council meeting at the Civic Centre in Wood Green. The Labour Cabinet Member responsible for Housing put forward an amendment to remove the call for sprinklers to be installed in all schools and council maintained buildings.
The Lib Dem motion called for:
- Every building built and maintained by the Council, Homes for Haringey and the Haringey Development Vehicle to-
- Not have flammable cladding
- Meet all fire safety requirements and building regulations
- Have working fire and smoke alarms
- Have appropriate fire safety measures, such as fire escapes and sprinklers
- The Lib Dem motion also called for every school in the borough to have working fire/smoke alarms and sprinkler systems.
The motion was passed at the council meeting with the Labour's amendments to remove references to sprinklers.
Cllr Gail Engert, Haringey Lib Dem Leader of the Opposition, comments:
"The Liberal Democrats believe that the safety of residents is paramount, particularly after the tragedy at Grenfell Tower. That is why we put forward proposals to strengthen fire safety in buildings in Haringey.
"I was very disappointed that the Labour Cabinet Member did not support our call for sprinkler systems to be installed. We believe all tall buildings in Haringey and all schools, should be fitted with sprinkler systems and other fire safety measures. We will continue to call for more action to be taken to make homes and schools in Haringey safer."