Comment on Park Road Leisure Centre closure
Haringey Council has provided ward councillors with an update on the situation with Park Road Pools & Fitness. The Council has instructed Fusion Lifestyle, who run the facilities at Park Road, to close all of the Park Road pools until further notice. This is due to unsatisfactory processes around maintaining the pool water quality, and follows on from the closure of the Tottenham Green Leisure Centre due to an electrical fault.
Any complaints (e.g. equipment, payment, hygiene issues; cancellations/no-shows; communication problems etc), as well as any difficulties claiming refunds can be reported to Crouch End representative, Cllr Luke-Cawley Harrison, at and he will continue to report these to the council officers and push for improvements to services. He is also arranging a meeting with the Leader of the Council and senior officers to discuss both this incident, and the other matters at Park Road further and what next steps might be
Cllr Luke Cawley-Harrison, Liberal Democrat councillor for Crouch End, said:
“I welcome the council’s ongoing intervention to protect the public until water maintenance practices have been brought up to acceptable levels. Fusion’s running of Park Road has been inadequate for years, and it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. Thankfully we have been informed that the water content has not posed a serious risk to pool users.
“Given the long list of problems and complaints, both historical and recent, about the running of the centre, I hope the council will now consider taking a more serious intervention and temporarily taking over the management of Park Road under special measures to bring the service up to an acceptable level, before considering future options including alternative providers."
Update: Fusion have confirmed that all pools, including diving pools, will reopen on Wednesday 8th February