Council spent £7k on a video saying it has no money

‘Cut comms, not cops’ was the message from Haringey Liberal Democrats as they moved an amendment to Haringey Council's annual budget.
The 15 strong group of Councillors called for the Labour-lead Council’s expenditure on publicity to be capped at £1 million a year. This would have saved taxpayers £400,000 a year, which the Lib Dems advocated using to reverse plans to cut six police officers from the borough.
Their case has been bolstered by the discovery that the Council spent £6,800 on a video telling the borough’s residents about its financial difficulties. The animated presentation claims that government cuts have taken the Council to “breaking point” and that “it’s vital that we work with you to ensure that every penny we spend goes on things residents need and value”.
Councillor Paul Dennison, Haringey Lib Dem finance spokesperson, said that:
“The police are a service that is needed and valued by Haringey residents. Expensive and self-serving pieces of publicity like this video are not. In fact, they are an insult to everyone struggling due to overstretched public services.
“Haringey spends £1.4 million a year on publicity. Some of this goes on useful things like advertising jobs or encouraging people to become foster parents. But too much goes on what amounts to Labour councillors promoting themselves.”