Drainage works on O.R. Tambo Rec to begin

After years of campaigning by Alexandra Park Liberal Democrats, Haringey Council have agreed to start drainage works to help resolve flooding issues at O.R. Tambo Rec (formerly Albert Rec), including in the children’s playground.
The works, which are due to commence this month, should mean that the council can start a new consultation on the overdue refurbishment of the playground, and Alexandra Park ward councillor Alessandra Rossetti is already pushing officers for a date when this consultation can begin and the local community can get involved.
Cllr Rossetti, alongside her then-colleagues and previous councillors for Alexandra, Nick da Costa and Josh Dixon, raised the refurbishment of the playground and the flooding in the park as soon as they were elected in 2018, and have continued to press the council for action ever since.
Now Liberal Democrats have received confirmation that works to relieve flooding will begin shortly:
- On the main field, laying two trenches on the northern and eastern boundary of the sports pitches - expected to commence next week and to last a week (the blue line on the photo).
- On the play area the week following that, expected to last two weeks (the green and yellow lines on the photo).
The timings are dependent on weather, and unfortunately the areas where works are taking place will be closed for the duration of the works.
These works should improve the drainage and reduce the persistent flooding on the sports pitches and playground.