Haringey Liberal Democrats condemn parking permit price hike for hard working carers in the borough

Haringey Liberal Democrats have called for carers to be spared from hikes in the price of parking permits.
Labour-run Haringey Council are consulting on changes to on street parking and charges which will result in residents’ permits for more polluting vehicles (that are generally older) costing substantially more, with some increasing by almost 65%. This change will also be applied to carers’ permits with the result that some carers may be stung with over £100 of additional costs.
Cllr Pippa Connor has commented that:
"We obviously want to encourage greener motoring but we don’t want to penalise carers in the process. Carers provide a vital service in Haringey and the Council has a duty to facilitate the important work they do for our residents.
Some local authorities are much more generous than Haringey. For example, in Waltham Forest carers passes are free, whilst in Brighton they only charge a £10 administration fee. It is not acceptable that Haringey Council is raising the cost of any carer’s permits.”
The consultation closes 23rd February and residents can email traffic.orders@haringey.gov.uk
To view the full proposals, including how the new charges are applied, changes to the length of permits, and affects on concessions please click the following link, and then click on "Proposed Parking Charges (ZIP. 66KB)": http://www.haringey.gov.uk/parking-roads-and-travel/roads-and-streets/traffic-management-orders/list-traffic-management-orders