Lib Dems force review of controversial £1bn Tottenham regeneration scheme

Lib Dem opposition councillors have forced a review of the decision by Haringey’s Labour Cabinet to appoint controversial Lendlease as the developer for the £1bn High Road West regeneration scheme to build 2,500 homes. The scheme would see council homes knocked down on the Love Lane Estate and local businesses in the Peacock Industrial Estate displaced.
The Lib Dem councillors formally requested a ‘call-in’ of the Labour Cabinet’s decision and a meeting of Haringey Council’s scrutiny committee will be held on Tuesday 3rd October to review the decision. The meeting will take place at 7pm at the Civic Centre in Wood Green and will consider the following concerns raised by the Lib Dem councillors:
- The commitment to affordable and social housing is weak with only 30% affordable homes on what is currently a council-owned site.
- That a number of leaseholders on the Love Lane Estate do not feel they are getting a fair deal.
- Weak commitment to council tenants’ right to return on similar terms.
- That there are fewer council homes/homes for social rent than originally planned.
- Density, size and quality of homes on the regeneration site, given the dramatic increase in the number of homes proposed (up from 1,400 to 2,500).
- Long-established local businesses will be moved out of the Peacock Industrial site with no clear plan for their return.
- Lendlease’s record on similar regeneration schemes such as the Heygate Estate in Southwark.
The Lib Dems believe the appointment of the controversial developer Lendlease should not go ahead. They also believe that the regeneration scheme for High Road West needs to be looked at again and changed, to take into concerns of councillors and residents.
Lib Dem councillor, Clive Carter, comments:
“It is shocking that a Labour council is putting forward this regeneration scheme which would only deliver 30% affordable homes, well below the Labour Mayor of London target of 50%. The Lib Dems are concerned the plans would not deliver enough affordable homes and would displace local businesses.
“It is worrying that once again, Haringey’s Labour Cabinet have decided to press ahead with a flawed regeneration plan using controversial developer Lendlease to deliver it. The Lib Dems believe that the High Road West regeneration scheme is a smaller version of Labour’s £2bn HDV (Hariney Development Vehicle) with many of the same flaws and even the same developer!
“The Lib Dems will continue to oppose regeneration that is imposed on the local community and continue to push for regeneration that works for and with local people.”