Lib Dems oppose Labour’s library cuts in Haringey

Lib Dem councillors in Haringey have said they will oppose cuts to Library services put forward by the local Labour administration.
An initial draft of Haringey Council’s budget, shows that the Labour Cabinet plan to cut library opening hours in the north London borough. Labour have proposed reducing branch library opening hours down from 58 hours to 36 hours per week. The reduced opening hours will also mean that 6 members of Haringey’s library staff are due to lose their jobs.
The controversial plans will be discussed again at a Cabinet meeting on 14th February before the budget is voted on at a Full Council meeting at the end of the month.
Lib Dem opposition councillors have criticised the proposals which are due to save the council £150,000.
Cllr Gail Engert, Haringey Lib Dem Leader of the Opposition, comments:
“Libraries provide an important service to children. I think the Labour Cabinet have forgotten that some families do not have spare money to buy computers or books for their children, for some families the library is absolutely vital.
“The Liberal Democrats want every child in this borough to have access to books, the internet and computers to help them get the best education, so we believe library opening hours should not be reduced. The Labour-run council could find other ways to save the money, for example they could scrap their plans to spend £33m on a new council HQ.”