Lib Dems welcome Labour’s NEC backing to Stop the HDV

Haringey Liberal Democrats have welcomed the news this week that Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) has backed their actions to stop the controversial Haringey Development Vehicle (HDV) and are urging Labour councillors in Haringey to do the same.
The NEC was asked to step in by Haringey Labour councillors, following a Requisition issued last week by Liberal Democrat councillors to Haringey Council to stop the HDV. The Haringey Lib Dem opposition used emergency powers to request an Extraordinary Meeting of the Full Council following the news of the Carillion crash, and after it emerged that 22 Labour councillors failed to back demands by the Labour leader of the Council, Cllr Claire Kober, to continue with the HDV scheme.
The possibility of a cross-party majority against the HDV has left the future of the scheme hanging by a thread. If Labour members back the Liberal Democrat motion to stop the HDV the Council could be forced to change its mind.
Liberal Democrats have been campaigning against Haringey Labour’s housing plans for more than 18 months, and the backing of the Labour NEC to halt the project could result in a majority supporting the Lib Dem motion in Full Council without fear from Labour councillors of being suspended from the party.
Cllr Gail Engert, Haringey Liberal Democrat Leader, comments:
“There is a clear majority in favour of Liberal Democrat action to vote to stop the HDV. Many Labour councillors, the two Labour MPs and now their national party are against it.
“My message to Labour councillors in Haringey is clear – do what is right and together we can put a stop to this.
“Local Council tenants and businesses concerned about what will happen to their homes will be watching closely to see what they do.”
Cllr Liz Morris, Haringey Liberal Democrat Deputy Leader, comments:
“I am pleased that the Labour NEC have backed the Liberal Democrat action for Full Council to have an open debate and vote on the HDV. Whilst we are concerned that this does set a worrying precedent for future council decisions also being overruled by Labour’s NEC, the HDV is simply too risky to go ahead.
“I urge Labour councillors, who should now be able to act without fear of reprisals, to vote with their conscience against this awful scheme to put a stop to the HDV.”
The date of the Extraordinary Full Council has been set for Wednesday 7th February 2018.