Liberal Democrats set out vision for building a better Haringey in local manifesto

Haringey Liberal Democrats are today publishing their manifesto ahead of the local elections on May 3rd. The document sets out a comprehensive programme for improving the services the London Borough of Haringey provides to its residents, and an alternative to the chaos caused by a divided and scandal ridden Labour Party.
Among the pledges made in the manifesto are a wholly council-owned housing company as an alternative to the highly controversial Haringey Development Vehicle (HDV), freezing core Council Tax, more specialist help for people with dementia, extra police officers, using youth and leisure services as a way to divert potential young offenders away from criminal activities, and abolishing green waste charges.
Cllr Liz Morris, deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats on Haringey Council, writes in the introduction to the document that:
“This manifesto sets out our positive vision on how we would build a better Haringey through six main priorities, which would give our borough the fresh start it desperately needs...My Liberal Democrat colleagues and I are ambitious for our borough and are determined to provide the solutions that have eluded Labour. We have a vision for a better Haringey, where no one is left behind, and our manifesto sets out how we will do it.”
Scott Emery, one of the Lib Dem candidates for Muswell Hill says that:
“As a first time council candidate I am incredibly excited and inspired by the ideas we are putting forward in our manifesto. Haringey is a fantastic place but under Labour it’s not living up to its full potential - we are determined to build a better Haringey. Labour have been in charge of the Council for double my lifetime - it's time for fresh leadership. The policies in this manifesto were not imposed on us by a few senior people, but arose from months of open discussions with ordinary party members. We want to bring the same openness to running the council. Rather than trying to impose unpopular policies like the HDV, closure of Osborne Grove and sale of Hornsey Town Hall on residents, they should be actively involved in making the decisions that will affect their lives.”
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